Friday, October 26, 2012

∞ Less Than Three ♥

Dear Mr. Smile ,

            Hi, Hello, Hi, Hello!!
      Hahahaha, Seriously Im kinda nervous even though Im just making this *idontknowthing*. I just dont really know where to start and how to start. Maybe this sounds weird but I just want to tell you something through this simple blog or maybe a letter perhaps.  Okay, First of all dont expect too much because Im not a good writer or whatever. Okay, here it goes for nothing.

         Hi, Mr. SmileYes, I named you Mr. Smile. -____- . Maybe it sounds weird but it fits your personality I guess.

       April 2012. Almost Six months, since I first met you.
      September 2012. Almost a month, since I last saw you.

           Hahaha. Do I sound silly or something, sorry for that. I just cant help telling these unpredictable feelings of mine. Complicated? Yes, yet challenging. J I dont know what on earth I am talking about right now but I guess this is what they call love?

          I dont know what to say. Ugh. Maybe if I will have a chance to talk with you personally, I will spend every minute and second of it knowing all those things about you and telling how much I admire you most. I dont know how to express my thoughts right now, but Im very sure that meeting you and knowing your existence change me somehow inside and somewhere here .
       I may not know your name but Im trying my best to know it since I met you. Even struggles, obstacles and trials fears me, I will still fight for this feeling or what others so called crazy little thing called love. Maybe its just destiny that leads us apart but I will never ever let that happen for as the first time I saw you, I marked my word that I will really try the best that I could to know you more as you leave a sparkle in my life.

               Your soft voice that is very nice, your tantalizing eyes which is like a star that sparkles every time I glance at you, your smiles that gently kill my sleeping soul from pain and lastly how your humor attracts me. Silly right but thats how I can interpret this crazy feelings here inside my mind and  .

               Yes, its you Mr. Smile. Its you that I admire and I hope that someday all these pains and silly acts are worth it. I wish that my dream could come true that you and I will be together and you will tell me back how much you love me. Haha. Here it goes again Im being a silly dreamer again and again and again. Sorry for that. J BTW, sorry for the name I just dont know what I should call you for your Unknown Identity. As I end this dont forget that since I met you, you’re just the only one for me and I hope that you’re open for possibilities of having me as one of your friends.  Cross fingers, Promise I will be your besta friend. Haha. I believe nothing is impossible. Infinitely Yours.


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