Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Teacher My Hero

BLOG 2.7
My Teacher My Hero
                 Many of you might ask what is that teacher thing means? Well way back 90's I really don't know why we need to study, and to have those bunches of lessons every other day.  As a matter of fact I really have no idea, but when I hear the word SCHOOL all that runs through my mind is friends, play and fun. That was way back 90's to be exact with my journey I started studying year 2001, first day ever in school that was the month of June when I met my Teachers. 

               Teacher is a word, a noun, which means one that teaches. Maybe some of you are a little bit confused why I used this dictionary term meaning. Actually the main purpose of it is to show how ironic it could be to compare a person with those simple words in a dictionary that makes up a meaning for it. Yes, Dictionaries are helpful but this time its different way DIFFERENT.

                I could still remember my old teachers in my old school. Since I didnt transfer to any other school I am a bit well known with the principal perhaps as well as those old teachers that saw me excel in different fields as I grow up. To tell you honestly, I was a consecutive honor student in our school since Nursery –Grade Six. I never doubt of being in it because I believe that it was destined to me, that I tried the best that I could ; Listening to those advices given to me by those people around me specially my parents and  my teachers whom we consider our second parents. I believe that the things that I have now is because of them.

                Reminiscence, Reminiscence, Reminiscence. I encountered many teachers in my life as student and now I want to share one memorable experience with my elementary teacher that touches my life all throughout as I am travelling my journey. He is no other than Sir Rogie. He gave me a very great impact in my life. He thought me not to give up and as a matter of fact not just me but those students that he was able to be with. He never let us feels different whereas, he is just a teacher and we are just his student.  Its really hard to compare my teachers because for me they all give me an impact as time goes by. They help my parents to let me know what life beyond everything else is and let me understand things which happen for reasons.

                Perhaps I will end this in telling them how much grateful I am to have this kind of parents who are very supportive and to those teachers who became part of my life that changed me a lot. Yes, there were favouritism but that doesnt become the hindrance of being me now. So I will give my greatest and warmest gratitude for as long as I live I will take that part as a history of having them in my life.

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