Saturday, July 7, 2012

Romeo and Juliet Happily Ever After

                The Play, Romeo and Juliet, should have a happily ever after scene. I can’t criticize the play much because it is really very good but the point is the unhappy ending. Almost all readers who have no really idea didn’t expect that the ending will came to the point that Romeo and Juliet will die and even Mercutio, Tybalt and Paris. I think there should be a twist in some parts were the secret marriage of Juliet to Romeo can change the relationship of  Capulet and Montague from what Friar Lawrence was expecting to happen but didn’t happen.

                In Act V Scene 3, I want to change the part were Romeo killed Paris and poisoned himself, knowing the fake Juliet’s death that made the two feuding families forgive each other. The ending I want to happen is that the cause of friendship between the two feuding family is the marriage of Romeo and Juliet. Also I want to add were Romeo and Juliet having their own family and their parents became proud grandparents to their grandchildren. Shortly I want the ending to be PERFECT.

                Everything is good I praise the writer who really makes the reader do an effort to read because of the awaited scenes. Also the ending it’s just right that it gives a lesson to each and every one. Salutations for the magnificent work of William Shakespeare he is really a true writer. 

O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or , if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll No longer be a Capulet

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