Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tell me it isn't Real?.

          Well it’s so hard to deal with Shakespeare’s works knowing that he is a very magnificent writer. But even though that is real I try my best to make a different ending from comic relief terms and actions, something comedy than romantic and tragedy because almost all plays, movies and stories has a happy ending, tragedy ending, romantic ending and so on.

             Now I’m starting my own ending with a simple and crazy fun were Juliet will know that Paris is not really a real man. And that he wants to have Romeo instead of having Juliet as his lawfully love one. What a crazy little happening that Juliet will almost marry Paris but a twisted happening will occur.

When Romeo and Juliet got married secretly, Paris knew it at once and stumble very much having less chance to win Romeo’s heart. So he went to Romeo but saw Mercutio and Benvolio blocking his way acting like a man he draw his sword and fight but afterwards  act like a lady spanking Mercutio and holding Benvolio’s hair. Mercutio and Benvolio was very confused and laughed, so Paris stop and run away, he was so shame that he actually did it in front of others.

The act has been reported to Capulet so Benvolio and Mercutio were sentenced to be quarantine in Mantua away from people. Paris was very happy but suddenly when he saw Juliet he is shameful that he wants to kill the lady he should marry. He  confront to Romeo but Romeo didn’t believe and just laughed at him so before anything else he went to Juliet’s room and get him stabs with a letter that says “ If Romeo will live with Juliet I shall rather die”. That part when Paris killed himself made the whole town happy, having different murmurs for the desperate act of Paris that was very crazy and illiterate. The two feuding families became friends and stay happy for their son and daughter live happily ever after. Indeed they made a silver statue of Paris for making everybody in town happy.

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