Saturday, February 16, 2013

Family against Land

Family against Land
BLOG 4.1

What will you choose if you’re ask, your family or your land? It is really somewhat uncertain for everyone to choose between the two, the land you’ve been with for your entire existence or your family whom you live with and whom you dream to have as your own. 

There are many differences between things in this world but one thing is for sure the mother’s instinct can never be false especially when it comes to family matters. I know some parents who always try their best to do the right thing and make the right decisions for their love ones. They are willing to sacrifice everything just for the sake of those people who are very important even they will spend the last minute of their lives. 

A great example is those wives who take their full responsibilities with regards to family sake. One of these is Creusa, the caring and understanding wife of Aeneas. She begs Aeneas not to go and think of what will happen to her and their son, Ascanius. She asked Aeneas just to live with them peacefully and just stop. Yet Aeneas decided to flee Troy, there she was killed so she decided to just let Aeneas go and fulfil his destiny were as she knows that it is the right thing to do. In comparison to another wife named Andromache, the good and kind wife of Hector, she always understands what responsibilities Hector has in the city. She doesn’t demand for attentions or something. Yes she is Hectors wife but he always considers a part of Hector that she should not go with. She lets Hector to overcome what he is destined for. 

The two of them have such same characteristics as a wife. They think of things not just for their own but for the sake of a whole. Having a give and take relationship cycle can help couples be stronger were as they think for things that they can encounter that maybe one hindrance of having a happy relationship. So if you love someone take a step of having such sacrifices just to maintain the bond. It is not good to have problems unsolved in a relationship so don’t be selfish and me understanding.

Through Ups and Down

Through Ups and Down
BLOG 4.2

We never learn lessons until the time that we’re in our own downfall. Challenges are one of the things that made us strong and a better person. This also enables us or one individual to somehow face difficulties and challenges as well as to reach goals that we dreamt of. If you lose something, that’s the best time of climbing up from that situation and moving towards a brighter one. It is like failing in a certain mission; once you succeed you don’t want to lose anything else. There are many things in this world that we don’t know but we just need to be ourselves to find it out. Facing the terrible lost of something is hard yet one of the things that you’ve don’t dreamt of happening.

There was this one guy that I know who did an extraordinary thing that even obstacles interfere him he didn’t lose hope and just continue striving to motivate his self towards success. In his action he was able to gain the power that he was dreaming. He is no other than Aeneas. He fought on his ways knowing that he might lose yet didn’t give up. He encountered obstacles during his way to build another land and once again raise the flag of the Trojans. He stands still with his feet on the ground and uses all the things he had to make the right decision. And now as he searches for the new beginning for everyone, I can say that he can be a good inspiration for those people who tend to give up without trying. An Inspiration to everyone which can prove that nothing is impossible for as long as we tried hard and have fate in God.

 Anyone can pass those hardships and triumphs in life. We should look back from where we’ve started yet facing new challenges is like facing a new chapter of your life. One great lesson is that don’t easily give up in things and hardships, as we all know it is just one challenge that God gave us to try our determination and a part that could help us to be a good person and a stronger one.

When Troy Falls

BLOG 4.1
When Troy Falls

It was a day after Troy was destroyed by those Greeks. Blood marks, burned houses, dead armies and citizens and a hopeless city. How could ever such humans do those things? That is my question. It is very unrighteous that you’re trying your best to stop those battles and just go with peace but why are they doing it? Effort, that is one point, you’re giving your trust and then they fail to keep it and all this time they are just fooling around and having a secret plan fighting you back, how inhuman is that.

And now as Aeneas tells the fall of Troy and how people suffer I can really imagine and feel how hard is it for one to just let it go and move on. I felt pity for Aeneas’ himself and for his land, Troy, that they even can’t manage to fight back and defend themselves. His land was destroyed without mercy and was like pulverized and left nothing. All they can do is just watch their land fall from the hands of those bastards who tricked them behind.  And that leads a mark of tragic and mostly something in the part of Aeneas that leaving his own land in time of need was the hardest thing that he ever did in his life.

As I end this, seeing my own land in the downfall was really a tragic moment but in reality and life we should look forward even its really hard. Life must go on.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Your my Monalisa, Your my Rainbow Sky

BLOG 3.5
Your my Monalisa,
Your my Rainbow Sky
Many of you might know Monalisa or La Gioconda which is an oil painting on popular wood by Leonardo da Vinci.  It is owned by the French Government and hangs in the Musee du Louvre in Paris. The painting shows a woman looking out at the viewer with what is described as an “enigmatic smile.” The painting of Monalisa was stolen and retreated. Because of its wonderful structure researchers found 6 different emotions in Monalisa’s Painting.

83% happy
9% disgusted
6% fearful
2% angry
Less than 1 % neutral
0% not surprised at all

World of Fantasy, Dreams and Imagination. (A day with Melchora Aquino de Ramos)

World of Fantasy, Dreams and Imagination.
(A day with  Melchora Aquino de Ramos)

In life it’s not bad to dream and believe with something. So now I will start this world of Fantasy and world of Dreams and Imagination.

              It is past 8 o’clock in the evening and I am in my room preparing to sleep but suddenly I thought of visiting my emails for a scheduled activity update. I keep on scrolling when suddenly I saw an unusual email and it is from Melchora Aquino. And she is inviting me to go to the past and experience something realistic but then worth dying for. I thought of accepting her invitation so I replied immediately and I was very excited. (See conversation)

Melchora Aquino:
Good day!
Hello Marinel Rodriguez I am inviting you to experience something extraordinary I will really appreciate your presence just contact me here and you will be here. J
Marinel Rodriguez:
Dear Mrs. Gabriella Silang thank you for inviting me I really much appreciate it. Just update me when will be the date. Thank you. J
Melchora Aquino:
Thank you for your reply and compliance. Our service will fetch you just in time for your flight.

 A few seconds ago somebody knocked at my door. When I opened it nobody is in there but when I’m about to close it there was this bright light shining and a strong wind pulling me near the light that took me. I just found myself lying under a coconut tree. The place was very foggy, dark and lonely, there I saw a beautiful lady with her baro’t saya looking at me. I blinked thrice until I saw soldiers and many more. The girl tapped me and she told me that “Buti ay pinagbigyan mo ang aking imbitasyon, Ikinagagalak kitang makita sa personal” and that answered my question she is no other than Melchora Aquino.  She invited me in her tent and taught me things about her jobs she even told me the situations of those soldiers who are fighting for freedom. After a few minutes I heard voices panicking, I saw stampedes and those injured soldiers with their wounds open bleeding strongly. There I saw Melchora Aquino with her equipments and strong determination running to the victims and injured soldiers to lend a hand and help them. I approached Melchora Aquino and told her that I am willing to experience this unforgettable moment of my life. There I help her treating the swollen wounds and everything. It took us hours before going to the next patient. We had a great long bonding she even tour me around the site while doing the service where I saw those Filipinos suffering and fighting for their lives. It is almost midnight and still we’re awake and working she offer me a piece of bread and a glass of water for dinner before we continue a second batch.  But then I need to say goodbye where as my time is over so much for a great experience that I’ve been once a part of the Filipino History in helping our co Filipinos in fighting for freedom. I bid goodbye to Melchora Aquino and she told me a few tips about life. “Marinel, thank you for a day, thank you for helping me inspite of everything else you truly deserves a great life in the future. But be sure to be a good citizen with no corrupts and illegalities. Thank You Very Much. J” A replied a smile and walk to the light and the second thing around is that I found myself standing infront of my door open and my mother is staring at me that I even laugh.

World of Imagination (7 student’s major sin)

World of Imagination
(7 student’s major sin)
NOTE: before reading this warning. Sorry for it. This is the best that I can do. It’s hard but life must face challenges and this is one hope you like it. J Ang fail . -.-

As a Cavite National Science High School Student I barely see my good future. But despite with those let me present you a few tips, reminders and notifications of what in general a student can do so far for his or her years as a student.

       It was early morning in June and I was thinking of travelling, somewhere no one can find me, just to internalize and relax. The place where I can have a peace of mind, but unfortunately an error occur a viseversa of everything I dream of, I guess.

      Silent, dark and a right place for a mourner, that’s how one can describe the place. While starting my journey I saw a huge, tall and whatsoever arch of a gate that captures my attention, it was shiny and perhaps full of pearls, diamonds and gems. There I saw a shadow of a tall man who seems to be waiting for me. I don’t really know why but he was staring at me as I go nearer and nearer. When I reached the gate I finally saw him and unfortunately I wasn’t able to remember his name but he really looks familiar. I tried to ask and know his name and also where I am but there was no reply. I was very scared with his poker face so I immediately run as fast as I can but there was this force pulling me back to the gate, a force that is hard to explain. There I saw a flying note floating in the air that says “NO I.D NO ENTRY” something like a boarding pass and I notice an inscription at the arch of the gate saying “Thou shall not do anything wrong else your soul will perish and be punish for a time.” I felt so rattled, scared with mixed emotions that I immediately give my I.D to the tall man and run as fast as I could.  While running I felt stuck in a sticky substance that I can’t go and move. There I saw the tall man in the gate he lend me his hand and help me to get out, he even insist that he will go and guide me as I travel through nowhere. He told me stories which happened in that place, he told me that there was this kid who also travel but wasn’t able to go back.

      Having that journey is a sort of nightmare but even gets trickier and tenser when we entered the first room. I saw a bunch of students running around the campus, I asked the tall man what is happening and he didn’t reply. So I find a way to know it and luckily I did. I asked the lady who is standing somewhere in the finish line and she told me that I’m in the room of Recalcitrants and Nocturnals. These are the students who go to school late and those who disobey the school regulations with regards of having a proper uniform. While looking at those students I felt very pity asking myself is it in justice punishing these students like this. Suddenly a heard a voice coming from the gate it gets clearer and clearer until I saw a man. He really looks familiar but the second time around I wasn’t able to remember. He told me to be careful while travelling. I bid goodbye and continue my journey I asked the tall man “Where are we going next” and I was glad and happy to hear his voice he told me that we will go to the next room and then silence speaks.

    There was this strong wind in our way. There I saw flying books, foods, and knowledge/lessons. It is very magical and what a world of fantasy. I continued walking and I saw a bunch of students having trades, giving what they have and teaching what they learned. Another lady was standing in front of everybody. She told me that I must learn those things, learn to give and share. She told me that don’t expect things in return and be happy with what you have and what will you have.

       After a few minutes I found myself lying under a mahogany tree I blink my eyes 3 times and I saw the tall man standing and thinking deeply of something. I asked him “What happened? Where are we?”, then he replied, “The strong wind hardly blown us here and now we are outside the room of Hoggish.” I asked him another question but he refuse to reply he just told me that we should go and we will run out of time. We started walking again until I saw a crowd who is somewhat talking about something. A saw a large banner with an inscription “Welcome Bullies and Mockers”, and that leads it; I’m in the room of Bullies and Mockers. While roaming in the place I saw a line of students who are disciplined by teachers and on the other side there are these children who are using hand signs because their mouths are masked with tape. Then silence came I can see the next door but there was this loud voice that said “Thou shall not say bad words or else you’ll suffer for a time with silence”.

              The whole place went blackout until there was this lightning volt that breaks the silence. A nice and warm whelming greeting from a crowd “Hola, Welcome to the room of Feckless”, as I enter the room there was these books, notebooks that are scattered everywhere files and everything. There was this leader who always reminds them that they should be responsible enough but despite most of them regret and snob those reminders. I cute little girl approach me as I enter the room she told me all the stories of those who are inside that room and will happen to them. I immediately bid goodbye when the tall man told me that we only have 4 hours 30 minutes and 20 seconds before the gate to the real world close. But before moving on I asked the cute little girl on what is Feckless really mean, and then she told me that it is those who are irresponsible that’s why they are inside that room.

We walk a hundred meter until we saw a car parked near a store. We ride in it and continue our journey.  I asked many questions to the tall man but he refused to reply until I saw a room and asked him for the nth time on where are we? He told me that this is the third to the last Room and the third most sins of students. The room of Indolence, there I saw I bunch of lists of things to do but wasn’t able to accomplish. I also notice those students who are in front of the computer doing something instead of their works. But there was thing little guy who gets my attention he is sitting in the corner of the room doing a bunch of things.  I went to his place and asked him. Why he is there and why is he not joining the others. And a nice and gentle voice answered that question “I am not there because I want to study I want to change and I felt sorry and pity to myself that I disappoint my parents” That thought of him touches my heart that I was waiting for the whole time. That these things we can never have without them. “Them” our parents our ultimate guardian and friends.  Then the tall man tapped me, and asked me if I’m okay and I replied “YES, of course, indeed.” He asked me if I’m ready to go because it’s nearly midnight and I nod at him as a sign of yes. We then travel the road to the next room and as we travelled I saw a sign board that notified us that we’re 25 M away from our destination. Then I noticed a tomb near an a long bridge with an inscription “WELCOME TO THE ROOM OF BARBARICS ENJOY YOUR VISIT” we didn’t stop that long inside that room but I noticed those students who are such a bastards that won’t even change they are uncontrollable  with their actions. We travelled the long road of the room until we reached a lake. We need to pass through it to get to the last room so we look for possible transportation.  I then saw a boat and I immediately pull him so we can move on but then as we reached the boat he noticed that there were no paddles so we look for possible paddle and luckily I thought of a bright idea. “Hey tall man, Why don’t we use our hands it’s not that bad isn’t it?” So he just agreed and we ride on the boat. We immediately reached the Last room. The room of Cheaters.  It’s very hot in that place. Very noisy and the place looks like a supreme court where each student are in a line each are judge and after judging the length of suspension is declared.  I told the tall man that we should go but he insist that he will stay and he bid me goodbye he just told me how to go out to reality and darkness surrounds the place.

        After 3425495843827329350472 I found myself in a small room. And last thing I remember is that I was in a maze of sins. I hit my forehead then I realized that I was dreaming. I remember some parts of my dream and that leads it, that’s why they looked familiar is that they are those staffs and friends that I have in our school.  J