Saturday, February 16, 2013

Family against Land

Family against Land
BLOG 4.1

What will you choose if you’re ask, your family or your land? It is really somewhat uncertain for everyone to choose between the two, the land you’ve been with for your entire existence or your family whom you live with and whom you dream to have as your own. 

There are many differences between things in this world but one thing is for sure the mother’s instinct can never be false especially when it comes to family matters. I know some parents who always try their best to do the right thing and make the right decisions for their love ones. They are willing to sacrifice everything just for the sake of those people who are very important even they will spend the last minute of their lives. 

A great example is those wives who take their full responsibilities with regards to family sake. One of these is Creusa, the caring and understanding wife of Aeneas. She begs Aeneas not to go and think of what will happen to her and their son, Ascanius. She asked Aeneas just to live with them peacefully and just stop. Yet Aeneas decided to flee Troy, there she was killed so she decided to just let Aeneas go and fulfil his destiny were as she knows that it is the right thing to do. In comparison to another wife named Andromache, the good and kind wife of Hector, she always understands what responsibilities Hector has in the city. She doesn’t demand for attentions or something. Yes she is Hectors wife but he always considers a part of Hector that she should not go with. She lets Hector to overcome what he is destined for. 

The two of them have such same characteristics as a wife. They think of things not just for their own but for the sake of a whole. Having a give and take relationship cycle can help couples be stronger were as they think for things that they can encounter that maybe one hindrance of having a happy relationship. So if you love someone take a step of having such sacrifices just to maintain the bond. It is not good to have problems unsolved in a relationship so don’t be selfish and me understanding.

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