Saturday, February 16, 2013

Through Ups and Down

Through Ups and Down
BLOG 4.2

We never learn lessons until the time that we’re in our own downfall. Challenges are one of the things that made us strong and a better person. This also enables us or one individual to somehow face difficulties and challenges as well as to reach goals that we dreamt of. If you lose something, that’s the best time of climbing up from that situation and moving towards a brighter one. It is like failing in a certain mission; once you succeed you don’t want to lose anything else. There are many things in this world that we don’t know but we just need to be ourselves to find it out. Facing the terrible lost of something is hard yet one of the things that you’ve don’t dreamt of happening.

There was this one guy that I know who did an extraordinary thing that even obstacles interfere him he didn’t lose hope and just continue striving to motivate his self towards success. In his action he was able to gain the power that he was dreaming. He is no other than Aeneas. He fought on his ways knowing that he might lose yet didn’t give up. He encountered obstacles during his way to build another land and once again raise the flag of the Trojans. He stands still with his feet on the ground and uses all the things he had to make the right decision. And now as he searches for the new beginning for everyone, I can say that he can be a good inspiration for those people who tend to give up without trying. An Inspiration to everyone which can prove that nothing is impossible for as long as we tried hard and have fate in God.

 Anyone can pass those hardships and triumphs in life. We should look back from where we’ve started yet facing new challenges is like facing a new chapter of your life. One great lesson is that don’t easily give up in things and hardships, as we all know it is just one challenge that God gave us to try our determination and a part that could help us to be a good person and a stronger one.

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