Saturday, September 1, 2012

Intramurals 2k12


       What does intramurals mean? It is a word which means fun, recreational, social and competitive activity. For students it is considered as one of their unforgettable experience within the school year were they meet new friends and learn many things in life. 

          August 23 -24 2012 is the intramurals day of Cavite National Science High School. Every student in the campus was very excited.  Students were preparing for their own game and others practice with their teammates. It was very fun were as all the third year students give their best and fullest effort to support the whole team, “GO BAYERN”. Unfortunately some students fail to enhance their sportsmanship were they gain no trust and self esteem. They don't want to receive failures.But that doesn't end up here. Acceptance is one important factor in every obstacles that we tend to fail.

      Advantages? Many. Disadvantages? These things depend on the person who plays on which he/she will accept or not . But if not, well a big problem it is. Motivating Unity, Cooperation, Teamwork, and having a lot of Sportsmanship were needed to have a successful Intramurals were each and everyone became friends, to loose or to win. Whatever it takes Cavite National Science High School is one big family.



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