Saturday, August 11, 2012

Victory turns Mystery

Victory turns Mystery

I was a student of an integrated school in Paris. Few months left and I will graduate with flying colors but suddenly an unexpected thing happened and it breaks all my dreams and everything in my life in just a simple clash of something that should just be kept in the past.

Saturday, 8:00 am

"Hon,,,James,,,Kyla,,, breakfast is ready." my  mom shouted.

"Wait hon, I'll just finish fixing this chandelier." my dad replied.

It was a busy day for us no one seems to start an affray either to be garrulous just to make noise. A peace morning just came over my day. And as I walk to the dining table I saw a delicious parfait but my interest moved over when I saw my favorite canapĂ© which is a big bowl of buttered carrots and corns.

After we had finished eating with a silent mode, well it is really uncouth for us but back to reality.

My mom is a doctor and my dad is a manger of the famous company in Paris. Every weekend I was assigned to take over my siblings as the eldest of all. I almost forget that I have a cute little brother named Sebastian  he is 9 months old.

"James, you fainĂ©ant how many times do I need to tell you wash the dishes because I'm feeding Basty!  Is it so hard to understand? Tell me! " 

"Shut up! It’s enough I understand so please stop, I'll do it."James shouted

* time of silence *

After one hour....

"Hey James, you idiot I'll just go outside take in charge with Basty don't make him vociferate cause it’s too irritating."

"Ouch you’re so mean what’s with those epithet words.? Arg. Well sure hag, be free."

"You Rascal, You're very contumacious!"

After a few hours....

* Ding Dong Ding Dong 2x *


"Why James you seemed to be terrified? Did you see a ghost or something?"

"O no mom, no."


"So can I come in?"

"Of course mom"

"Well it’s a tiring day, where is your sister?"

"Mom? Ahh, she just went outside this early afternoon and she never go back until now."

"What? Did you text her or contact her? What did she told you?

"Nothing mom she just told me that she will just go outside"

"Try to contact her again"


"Mom I can't contact her. Her cell phone cannot be reached."

"Oh gracious"

"But mom, don't worry maybe she just go to her classmate’s house."

"I hope so son"

Saturday, 8:00 pm


"James open the door maybe it’s your sister"


"Kyla, where have you been?"

"James it’s me your dad."

"Daddy..." James cried.

"What’s the problem son?"

"Kyla went out this early afternoon and never come back until now, I'm so scared. Mom arrived and asked me the same question and now we're both worried.... o dad... Let’s find Kyla"

"Don't worry son we will find her."

After 1 month still my body was not found. By the way, I am Kyla a pretty soul who wasted her life.
That Saturday afternoon I went to my boyfriend's house because we had a tryst about going to his house every Saturday as possible and I can't refuse him because I love him. After 1 hour his friends arrived and invite him to go to bars and he as a real friend he never refuse these guys, so I go with him.

In the bar, Gash I never thought that it will be some sort of a guy bar only and imagine I am the only girl in that bar aside from those grungy dancers. They drink and even asked me to guzzle too. I was tempted for doing it but something goes in my mind that I can't take it anymore so I drink it. After few hours I was unconscious, I heard people laughing all I can remember is that I was in a silent place but lots of guys around me. I felt uncomfortable. Someone undress me and everything. I was unconscious for hours and the last thing I remembered is that I am in a shallow vacuous grassy place I saw a guy holding the half of the knife.


No more graduation with an inspiring baccalaureate mass , no more fun in the next stage, no more happiness, no more dreams and most importantly no more family of my own to be with. I wonder how it would be if I am still a lived.

------ hanged (THE END) ------

P.S I'm sorry I have no talents with this things especially if Its English. I just used this topic because it is common these past few days, weeks, months, years. :) 

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